Your Greatest Strength is Optimism

We are challenged everyday by the mundane and perceived negativity. It is your challenge, and your gift, to choose how to respond to life. Like the symbol of The Sun in Star Journey, show that you are optimistic and full of life. Your message to the world is heard, so bring something to it, radiate outward with positive energy, new and fresh. Shine like the sun! Others feel this vitality and are uplifted and spurred on.


We are challenged everyday by the mundane and perceived negativity. It is your challenge, and your gift, to choose how to respond to life. Like the symbol of The Sun in Star Journey, show that you are optimistic and full of life. Your message to the world is heard, so bring something to it, radiate outward with positive energy, new and fresh. Shine like the sun! Others feel this vitality and are uplifted and spurred on.