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Tap Inner Knowing Through a Guided Process

The spread arrangements or journeys in the Online Tools are designed to get different information about the personal topic one chooses to explore. Select the spread you feel will give you the kind of information you’d most like to get. For instance, the Goal Journey is about achieving a goal, whether you are thinking in those terms or not. The Transition Journey is about how to make change occur and how to manage the change once it’s in motion. 

Finally, the Personal Portrait is about assessing how you are feeling at present, like taking your temperature at several different levels of your being. These are, of course, based on the system’s seven Levels of Consciousness, and you’ll want to choose one symbol card from each group or level that you identify with in the present moment.

Choose Your Topic

First, determine your topic. What do you want to know more about? What problem do you want to solve? Or what decision do you need to make? It can be about any subject of personal interest – such as job, love, money, health, etc., whatever matters to you. An example topic: How can I succeed at my job? can be phrased as “succeeding at my job” for quick reference.

The Guided Process of Interpretation

The following is the recommended step-by-step process to aid in your interpretation of the symbols. It was designed to help you get the most from the various visual and written cues on a symbol card. But also feel free to develop your own interpretation any way you desire.

1. First Impressions

When you first see what the symbol is on each card, do you have a quick, intuitive first impression? If so, take note of it. If you don’t, no worries.

2. Key Words

Look at the key phrases (top of card) and key words (card bottom) for each card in the journey or spread you chose. What do these words make you think about in your situation?

3. Levels of Consciousness

What is the level of each of your symbols? Refer to the chart. How are these levels currently involved with you and your topic? Star Journey’s seven Levels of Consciousness are derived from its Circle Pattern chart. They describe a spectrum of human experience, which ranges from outer energies through challenge and realization to deeply felt types of fulfillment within oneself.

4. Picture Stories

Now do some creative visualizing and learn more. In your mind, freely imagine a single scene, one that contains all the symbols in your spread (and yourself if you like). Take note of how you see the symbols interacting, and think about how this relates to your topic or challenge. What feelings or emotions come up for you? Often this is a picture of the present circumstances, of the here and now.

5. Best Picture

No matter what you first imagined in the last step, now consciously form another mental picture. This time, imagine the best possible way you can see the symbols interacting (including yourself if you like). This Best Picture symbolically represents how to best utilize this new information and improve your situation.

6. Plan of Action

Based on what you’ve seen and learned, what steps can you now take with the real-life situation? Use the Best Picture to translate your insights into positive and constructive action. This may not happen instantly, so remember the picture when you think about the topic later. Let the meaning unfold for you.

The next time you think about this topic or the subject comes up, recall your Best Picture, what it looked like and how it made you feel. Within that picture, in the particular way you saw the symbols interacting, is what you want to try to bring out, act out, in the real-life situation. And as you do this going forward, the message contained in the picture will become clearer, more apparent. You can greatly influence how the future will roll out when you have a direction, a solution you like, even if it is only a picture already in your mind.