Gate (55)
Wrestling with an opportunity…
The Gate represents the question of how we deal with opportunity. Presented with the chance to go beyond where we are, we must deal with the not-yet-known, as well as the potential of leaving something behind. The Gate is the challenge of interacting with the environment and with others. The question is this: Will I really go through the door?
Encountering the Gate, we know we have encountered opportunity. But, we don’t know what is on the other side or where it will lead. We don’t know if it is positive or negative, what we will gain or lose. Faced with such questions, we sit in indecision, contemplating the pros and cons of whatmight lie beyond. The dilemma remains, and will always remain, until we take one simple deliberate step — entering. We will never know until we do it, and once we do it, everything changes. We are no longer stuck; we are moving into something new and unknown. Beyond that is onlydiscovery, experiencing what we entered. We will always enlarge our landscape as a result of addressing the challenge of the Gate.
The Gate lies in the House of The Perfect Union (VII) and is the realization of "I INTERACT." The Gate is also the realization for the Seas of Kings and Music (vi and vii).
The Problem
Arrow (71)
High strung, easily agitated…make up my mind and ac, quick and sure!
The Arrow symbolizes the ability of the mind to show decisiveness, to reach a conclusion, then follow it. This being able to make up your mind is kept from being bogged down by spontaneity. Here is the attitude that you can change your mind as freely as you originally made it up. In combination, the ability to chose and rechoose joins with the skill of steering a steady course of action once a decision has been made.
The Arrow is shared between the tenth and eleventh Houses and so represents the gateways of "I PERFECT" and "I EXPAND." It is also the Gate to and from the Sea of Quiet Flowers (x).
The Goal
Handle (68)
The Handle represents initiative, grasping opportunities as they come along. This is the attitude of starting things, not waiting for others to do it for you. Balancing this is the approach of responsibility, being responsive to, and responsible about, what comes as a result of initiative. One is reaching for the handle; the other is handling what you get.
The Handle is shared between the seventh and eighth Houses and so symbolizes the gateways of "I INTERACT" and "I CARE." It is also the Gate to and from the Sea of Music (vii).