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Star Journey

Levels of Consciousness

Star Journey’s

Seven Levels of Consciousness

7 Levels of Consciousness

The Star Journey system does what has never quite been done before by charting the realm of conscious experience as a territory. Essentially, Star Journey paints the landscape of the human mind. This landscape, considered from an inner point of view, is the framework of the personal universe. Although the landscape and its components are considered to be inside oneself and are pictured by symbols, the landscape demonstrates the powerful relationship individuals have with their environment, the exterior universe.

The Star Journey symbols span the territory of human experience, touching on corners both near and far, and showing that any location on the landscape is readily accessible. They are accessed, reached, through one’s personal experience and understanding. These “points” on the inner landscape are pictured by the symbols. These symbols are not abstract or removed from reality. Their value lies in the fact that they denote actual points of intersection between the inner and outer worlds; these are real aspects of personal experience. 

The symbols comprising the inner landscape are arranged in seven distinct levels, and these depict the wide range of experience in life. Together, these levels of living paint a broad spectrum of the ways life is experienced by the individual – through one’s encounters, interpretation of events and actions.

The levels can be thought of as concentric rings upon a circular landscape. They range from the outer, more expansive factors involving energy, which are found at the perimeter of the landscape to deep-seated inner feelings of satisfaction that lie near the core. 

All the levels relate to everyday life. No one level is better than another, yet each provides distinct vantage points and opportunities. Most situations in life involve more than one of these levels at a time.

The Levels of Consciousness are shown as a spectrum of colored rings surrounding oneself. The outermost bright yellow Star energies are the furthest extent of consciousness in the universe, followed by physical conditions, self-expression, challenge (Keys), approaches (Gates), and culminating with the innermost green Signs of completion and fulfillment.  

Below is an overview of the levels of experience in Star Journey. More information on Levels can be found in the book “Star Journey – A Cosmology of Self.”

Below is an overview of the levels of experience in Star Journey. More information on Levels can be found in the book “Star Journey – A Cosmology of Self.”

STARS – Universal Energies

At the perimeter of landscape, the Stars shine their light and bring life to all that one will experience.

Star symbols describe basic energies – pervasive, mood- like qualities, the tone of a situation – felt in or around a person at a particular moment. These are often qualities which are just beyond a sensory level yet quite noticeable when present. For example, a person who is often moody might be described by the Star of Inwardness, the energy of internalizing typified by “The Feeler.”

In Star Journey, the Stars are universal and archetypal in nature. They stand for fundamental types of energy at work in the universe. These basic Star energies actually blend with one another in locations within the overall pattern; the particular mix of Star elements is the basis for each of the other symbol positions. (This is why Star symbols are labeled A through L, and the remaining symbols, which are in effect created by the Stars, are numbered 1 through 84.)  The Circle Pattern chart visually denotes this relationship between Star symbols and all the other symbols in Star Journey.


A STAR Symbol…

As a Goal: Focusing on a certain energy or mood, but not necessarily on factors of physical substance 
As a Problem: Reflecting a mood or energy that may not be effective in the situation
As You Now:
Defining yourself in a situation by a certain mood, energy or state of mind


Within the ring of Stars, energies blend, creating form, the basis for the physical universe.

The level of States builds the ground on which the self will journey.

The group of State symbols represent the world of form, as well as aspects of situations (or of people) which relate to properties of physical matter. A situation that is intense might be described by the State symbol Fire; one that is flowing along by Water, and so on.


A STATE Symbol…

As a Goal: Seeking a certain type of physical condition or circumstance
As a Problem: Condition that is blocking progress
As You Now: Identifying with, if not blaming, certain conditions


Within the rings of Stars and States, energies blend again, creating modes for self-expression.

The level of Star-Crosses has to do with one’s self- expression, with how we show ourselves to others and how we make ourselves visible and known in the world. Here, the adept side of oneself is characterized by the Star-Cross symbol of Magician, beauty by the Maiden, faithfulness by the Candle, and so on.



As a Goal: The desire to express a part of yourself
As a Problem: Self-expression which keeps you from the desired result
As You Now: Tending to express yourself in a certain way about the topic


Relationships between Star energies reveal the gifts of self, timeless resources that come from connection to a source.

The level of Gifts portrays innate abilities, gifts of ourselves that we bring out and develop both for our own benefit as well as the betterment of others. The Gift of the Harp, for instance, symbolizes creativity and harmony, which may be brought forth, developed and shared with the world through a variety of creative pursuits.


A GIFT Symbol…

As a Goal: Desiring to tap certain abilities, strengths
As a Problem: Abilities which divert energy elsewhere
As You Now: Utilizing a certain talent or ability regarding the topic


The midpoint of the levels where outer and inner-directed aspects meet, where the self confronts its reality.

This level often represents challenge, where our ideas of what we want encounter the way life is operating. Realization is the key for understanding the difference, learning life’s lessons, along with transforming one’s perception. An example of this is the Key symbol of the Block, which can be interpreted as either being an obstacle or a stepping stone, depending on how one chooses to see those parts of life that seem to block the path.


A KEY Symbol…

As a Goal: Focusing on a challenge which can be a significant personal realization
As a Problem: A certain challenge that distracts from achieving results with the topic
As You Now: In the midst of a challenge


Surpassing challenge, one arrives at an inner circle of calm, where inner postures provide tools for dealing with life and for reaching satisfaction.

The level of Gates symbolizes a person’s attitudes and approaches. Inner postures serve as personal gateways, helping one to meet challenges and to reach fulfillment. The Gate symbol of the Glove, for instance, speaks of projecting oneself into the world, and at the same time allowing others to provide assistance.


A GATE Symbol…

As a Goal: Working toward a new, perhaps refined, approach
As a Problem: An attitude or approach that is counter-productive
As You Now: Basing actions and results on a certain inner posture


The final level, the innermost ring, which are the signposts of feeling fulfilled.

This most interior level of Star Journey signifies fulfillment, various ways people find a sense of reward, satisfaction and completion in what they do. An example is the Sign symbol Crown, denoting leadership and guidance as one hallmark of personal fulfillment.


A SIGN Symbol…

As a Goal: Seeking a certain kind of fulfillment
As a Problem: A certain type of fulfillment blocking the achievement of a goal
As You Now: Identifying yourself with a certain kind of reward

Star Journey’s Levels of Consciousness seen as layers of personal experience, ranging from Signs of fulfillment deep within oneself through Keys or Challenge to Realization to self-expression and the outside world, then leading furthest outward to archetypal Star energies.