Join the team and make a difference.
Many of us have blogs, newsletters, email lists or other ways like Facebook, MySpace or through which we stay in touch with our own networks. You can be an important ambassador for Star Journey, helping others discover the value of this self-development system in all its platforms, including the interactive version in Second Life.
There are many ways to help spread the word. It can be as simple as adding the Star Journey logo and URL to your blog or webpage, or adding a link to the website in the footer of your emails. You could write a review about the symbol system and submit it to one of your favorite publications, or post or share Star Journey’s inspirational “Star Beams” column to your friends.
The staff of Star Journey will provide you with any information, graphics, or other support as needed.
For more information, please contact Richard Geer (Starman Heron in SL) at or RebelMum Slade in SL at