Anniversary Celebration in Second Life – Nov 28

Mark your calendar and join us to celebrate on Saturday evening, November 28th from 6 to 8pm PDT. For it was one year ago that Star Journey island was launched in virtual world Second Life (SL). The event will feature musical entertainment by internationally known rock group SOAR and Broadway singer/songwriter Tamra Sands (Tamra Hayden).

Building Star Journey island was a major team effort. It was a unique collaboration of friends, builders, scripters and other supporters, all of whom gave of their time and skills to create this special place. They all believed in the value of Star Journey for helping others and as a place where like minds could meet and share experiences. Not only are we celebrating our first year of existence in SL but we are also acknowledging all those who contributed to this amazing creation.

I want to personally thank Vanessa Taylor (RebelMum Slade), now my business partner, for her own vision of how to bring my vision into 3D and for leading the in-world team. Also, many thanks to all the other team members, each of whom played a significant role in making this island a reality. Learn more about each of them on the Team tab of this web site.

This new phase of work a year ago was also marked by launching of Star Journey’s own website (here), with new online tools and my new book “Star Journey – A Cosmology of Self.” Star Journey has now become a multi-platform tool, branching into many new media. Among them are Second Life, Twitter and Facebook, even an App for the Apple iPhone!