75 Cross |
32 Knife |
4 Mud |
Sign Revelation
Star-cross Exacting
State Complex
Cross (75)
The epitome of relating to one’s existence is the gestalt of the sense of it all — reveleation. Through such a profound experience, the Cross can open new pathways, providing new direction. This dawning realization of the wholeness and living-ness of the universe is, indeed, spiritual awakening.
The Cross is in the House of The Motion (III), and it symbolizes fulfilling "I RELATE."
The Problem
Knife (32)
The Knife describes our critical side, where we find ourselves exactive about every detail, severing ourselves from what does not suit us, andaggressive in our posture toward others. The Knife represents expressing our discriminating nature, our ability to be critical of others as well as ourselves. Here is the potential of being one’s own worst enemy as a result of hard-lined stances.
The Knife is composed primarily of the Stars of Hope and Indecision, and it lies in the House of The Power (VIII). Therefore, the Knife is expressing "I CARE" through the energies of TRUSTING and WEIGHING. It is also an expression of the Sea of Pyramids (viii).
The Goal
Mud (4)
The Mud is a state where things seem to come to a halt. It symbolizes a complex condition, with much to consider. It is more or less static,immobile, not going anywhere. It is also a fertile state, a condition that nurtures new growth or re-evaluation.
The Mud is in the House of The Pure Water (IV), and it represents the mixing of the Stars of Change and Inwardness. Therefore, the Mud is the condition of "I FEEL," an outgrowth of the energy of ADJUSTING combining with INTERNALIZING.