Transition Journey – July 1, 2019

My Situation:



Restraining, Commitment, — Relating, Integr

My Situation:



Restraining, Commitment, — Relating, Integrating

Star of Laugh
Externalizing, “The Player”

Innate Understanding, Unqualified Acceptance


Star of Bowing

Integrating, “Majesty”

My Comments:I don’t understand how bowing can be a distraction. I understand ‘player’ because I’m trying to find a role or roles fro myself. I understand chain because I can’t be or do everything. I have to choose. I want sea, I want to understand and accept others, and give them the help they need, not the help I want to give.  Bu bowing, awe, realizing how much I need God, is what it’s all about so how can it be distracting? That’s steps one and two.

“I want” is a sign, of course. There are many rewards I waant. Sea is one. I startwith the star of laugh, which gives me that and the associated gifts, keys and gate. The chain is a gift I hope to develop. Bowing is an attitude I want to cultivate. If I am externalizing with Laugh, I could easily go overboard and get a big head if I don’t remember awe. That’s step three.

Laugh: That tells me to start by flexing my angel wings. Angels can fly because they take themselves lightly. I am flying along a chain that leads straight to the sea, using the chain as a guide. It doesn’t bind me. I’m able to take myself lightly because the star of bowing shines on me to keep me in a monk attitude. The only way I can see that star as a problem is if the people I’m relating to need me to be stronger and all that awe makes me weak. I sort of doubt that, because I’m basically strong. That’s the first picture and may be the best picture.