A special issue of the IEEE Learning Technology newsletter focuses on innovative learning methods in the virtual world environment. An article on Star Journey, and the special learning experience it affords, was one of twelve peer articles chosen for publication in the issue just released for October 2011.

The Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers is a worldwide society, and its Technical Committee on Learning Technology publishes the bi-monthly journal. The special theme was “Virtual Worlds for Academic, Organizational, and Life-Long Learning.”
Star Journey provides visitors and students a unique interactive and immersive experience. The 3-D environment was the ideal medium for combining the system’s two main components, the set of symbols and a map of their inter-connections, into a three-dimensional island. Here one explores peaceful Gardens, Seas and Stars in the sky above — all while learning the use of this tool for self-reflection and personal development.
A significant part of this article was a case study of one woman’s experience using the “Goal Journey” technique. Her story, her journey, is typical of the kind of insightful and life-affirming experience one can have with Star Journey. This student had such a vivid and positive experience, she created an artwork to show how she used symbols to envision her outcome. Read the full article for the rest of her story.

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