What does a Wand mean to you? Attendees voiced their own varied ideas during the session on Star Journey last week at the 2011 Mentoring Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico. “Magic, Actualizing, Harry Potter, Spell, Talking stick, Getting blessed, Making dreams come true” were some of the associations expressed about the Star Journey symbol Wand. With each response, an attendee was given a long, sparkling star-wand from Star Journey author Richard Geer.

“Guess what, all of these different responses are right!” Geer told the roomful of people. “Star Journey symbols show how the magic in life really is in YOU. What you think about something is real for you, and that in turn affects your own reality.”
This engaging workshop gave attendees a first hand experience of the tool, learning how utilizing symbols, metaphor, visualization and other techniques in Star Journey aid in the mentoring process. Mentors and mentees can use this method to set goals, explore underlying issues, and consciously create a plan for success. The process emphasizes personal choice and is known for increasing self-direction and confidence.