We’re pleased to announce Star Journey Symbol Method is on several parts of the program of the upcoming “Toward A Science of Consciousness” (TSC) Conference. This is the 10th bi-annual international symposium sponsored by the University of Arizona. The conference features advances in consciousness studies from authors, experts and researchers from around the world. The conference will be held April 9–14 in Tucson, Arizona.
You’ll find Star Journey on the program in these areas:
- Poster Sessions, Star Journey method presented as “Exploration of a New Tool to Chart Levels of Consciousness,” Wednesday and Friday evenings, April 11 and 13. This emphasizes the method’s defining a set of seven distinct levels of conscious experience.
- Art/Tech/Health Demo Sessions, displaying the interactive version of Star Journey an an experiential island in virtual world Second Life, Wednesday and Friday evenings, April 11 and 13
- Panel Discussion, Forum on Eastern Philosophies and Related (Gerry Marr), Monday afternoon, April 9
- Poster Session (on Elemental Archetypes, Gerry Marr) Friday evening, April 13
Presentors for Star Journey will be author Richard Geer, MTh and senior faciltators Gerry Marr, MA , MFT; Sonya Hardin, PhD, RN, University of North Carolina–Charlotte; and Linda Lott, RN.
TSC Conference website:
Art/Tech/Health Demo Sessions: