Star Journey symbol method made a debut at the TSC Conference last week in Tucson. The 10th Biennial international “Toward a Science of Consciousness” conference sponsored by the University of Arizona was held April 9–14 at Loews Ventana Resort Hotel. An estimated 500 attendees included researchers, authors and students representing many disciplines, all with interest in the nature of human consciousness, ranging from the scientific to the spiritual.
Richard Geer had the opportunity to meet best-selling author Deepak Chopra, one of the keynote speakers at the Opening Session on April 10. Geer also shared his latest book with Chopra. The Star Journey demonstration team included psycho-therapist Gerry Marr, MA, MFT of Santa Barbara, CA and top educator Sonya Hardin, PhD, RN of the University of North Carolina–Charlotte (both shown in photo below), along with remote participation by Linda Lott, RN, of Salt Lake City, UT and Vanessa Taylor of Adelaide, South Australia.
Star Journey was displayed in a Poster Session as well as in an Art/Tech/Health Demo session on April 11 and again on April 13. Attendees could browse the poster “A New Tool for Charting Levels of Consciousness,” and members of the team also demonstrated the process of using of Star Journey method and its symbols. Part of the display was a another large poster showing the virtual world version of Star Journey in Second Life. Attendees were also able to view live interaction on the three-dimensional Star Journey “island” projected in the room.
In addition, Gerry Marr’s own work was shown in a Poster Session: “Elemental Archetypes – Applying the Ayurvedic 5-Element System to Western Archetypes”, which was also well received by conference attendees.

View the Posters:
Star Journey –
Model of consciousness:
Displaying virtual world version:
Elemental Archetypes (G. Marr):
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Art/Tech/Health Demo Sessions: