Star Journey helps unleash the power within you! Work with a skilled and caring coach who will guide you in utilizing the Star Journey method to its fullest. Deal with your immediate needs, while learning an easy process for adapting to change, sustaining growth and attaining success.
Help When You Need It
We all face changes, regardless of gender, age, ethnic group or culture. Critical life changes can be job loss, economic pressures, retirement, relationship change, family issues, loss of a loved one, chronic illness, career choice, work/life balance, or anxiety and stress in times of uncertainty. Any of these can be surmounted with the Star Journey method and a trained coach at your side.
Your Guide, Your Tools
Your Star Journey coach will be your mentor and your guide. You’ll receive immediate support in the time of transition, and then learn how to utilize the Star Journey method for yourself in the future. Our coaches have strong backgrounds in mentoring and helping others, and each is trained and certified in the use of the Star Journey method. Meet the Coaching Team.
Real Results
Using the Star Journey symbol methodology, you’ll uncover inner goals and motivations. Issues that block you are revealed. Recognizing your own perspective becomes clear. Your coach guides you through a process … one to reach your deep inner knowing, to gain new clarity, and to develop a plan for constructive growth. From this, you’ll know how to use the tools any time and any place you need it along your path to success.
The Unique Method
The Star Journey process is easy, fun, yet deeply insightful and rewarding. Using the colorful Symbol set and related Circle Pattern involves many mental techniques including the use of imagery, metaphor, analysis, imagination and creative visualization. Your skilled coach leads you along the way.
In-Depth Coaching, Online Convenience
You and your coach will work together, often remotely, using various Star Journey tools and formats right online. These include webtools, Skype conferencing, screen sharing, and viewing into, or actually participating directly in, the virtual world format of Star Journey. And it’s easy. All you need is an internet connection.
Call Today!
Call now for your appointment. The 30-minute introduction and assessment session is free of charge. Discuss your needs and outline a program that will work for you. One-on-one coaching sessions are $60 for 60 minutes. Most programs range from 2 to 4 sessions.
To get started, simply call us: 1-855-9-JOURNEY.
Ask about
Transition Coach Training
Certification program for counselors, therapists, mentors and coaches.
For more information, use the Contact form or call us at 925-899-0652.
About Skype Conferencing
Skype is a free application that permits online conferencing and distance learning without charge. Both audio and video conferencing are possible, and today most pc’s have built-in microphones and webcams. You can meet with your coach online from anywhere in the world.
Skype calls can also include screen sharing, so together you can use Star Journey webtools as well as being able to view Star Journey in Second Life (SL). You can also opt to participate directly in SL. The learning experience is greatly enhanced, but there is a learning curve.
What is a Virtual World?
Virtual worlds such as Second Life (SL) are a new dimension of the internet. One participates in real time by using an avatar likeness created for moving about in an online 3D, multi-user environment. Second Life is one of the largest and most diverse in member interests. Its residents number over 25 million. Many universities and education centers have a presence in SL. User interests include social interaction of all kinds, shopping, dancing, musical performance, plus gaming, artwork, designing, building, and more.
SL’s 3D format has allowed the prime elements of Star Journey, its Symbols and Circle Pattern, to merge into an interactive landscape of beautiful gardens and seas. Established in 2008, Star Journey island has earned a reputation as a place for peace and personal discovery. Workshop sessions are held throughout the week. They range from beginning to advanced levels, and are free of charge and open to the public. Joining and using Second Life is free.
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